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Tree House

(Competetion Entry-Runner-up)


Requirements: Zero Energy structure for a family of four people,

Area usage- 100sq.m

The selected site is in a village in Nashik along the banks of river Godavari. Largely the tress found around the area are Benteak trees. it is a decidious tree strong enough with a smooth surface. It is also used for building and boat construction. Height of the tree is around 5 to 16 m, which makes it a perfect support system for a tree house.

The idea was to mearge with the surroundings and hence  form of the tree house was guided by the flowers which bloom on these trees. The flower guided the plan and even the roof form, which has evolved from a petal to a combination of folded plate roof, with a small dome in the center. Material of construction would be bamboo, Methods for tapping solar energy and turbines would be used as energy resources.


 2021 Karasthani created  by Dipti Shukla

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