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Design Awards

Charles Correa Gold Medal, Dipti Shukla, Honourable Mention Award 2012

B.Arch Thesis:  K A I V A L Y A   Temple of the new age

Charles Correa Gold Medal, Dipti Shukla, Kaivalya- Modern Hindu Temple
Charles Correa Gold Medal, Dipti Shukla, Kaivalya- Modern Hindu Temple

Category: Architecture

Charles Correa Gold Medal Thesis Award -2012 Honourable Mention


NIASA - 2012, Top 10

in West Zone


Kurula Warkey Design Forum, CEPT -2012 

Shortlisted Presenter


Best thesis, College -2012

"Transformation and not transfer, is the crucial evaluative distinction that discriminates between claims of successful negotiations between the past and the future of Modern India"-  Charles Correa

Category: Urban Design

International Association of Humane Habitat-12th I A H H 

International Student Design Competetion 2014

 ISDC- Honourable Mention (Team Membars : Dipti Shukla, Rajat Malhotra, Deepal Thosani)


SEL Excellence Award

Excellence Certificate 2015

Category: Architecture

Birla White Annual Dezign competetion

Shortlisted- 2010

Tree House Design Competetion

Category: Landscape

Runner-up 2010 (intra College) Team members: Dipti Shukla and Abhishek Gupta

 2021 Karasthani created  by Dipti Shukla

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